5 Reasons Why You Need a Modern Career Coach

informative Sep 29, 2020

You may think that hiring a modern career coach is only for newbies but, this is not the case. The job market is choked with job seekers. The pandemic has increased the unemployment rate even more. Irrespective of your industry or niche, there will be competition. No matter how talented you are, you will get lost in the pool of talents. How do you get an edge over several other job seekers? 

The internet may offer some common ways to get ahead of other job seekers but, a practical solution will be more beneficial. Someone who is experienced in offering career guidance can help with unique ways to stand out. Here are five reasons why you need to hire a career coach. 

1. They can help you out of difficult career situations

Sometimes, you are caught in a sticky situation and you have no idea how to handle it professionally. Maybe, you feel like your value is not seen through your role at work. Or, you don’t like your new manager. Or perhaps, your company is restructuring and they are giving you a role you don’t think you can handle. In situations like these, you will need a second opinion from a professional. Especially since you don’t want to create an awkward situation or act in a way that will put your job at risk. 

A coach will help you to analyze solutions and their consequences. He or she will also offer fresh perspectives that are devoid of emotions. The expert may give you strategies to effectively voice out your issues to your superior. He or she may also give you tips that will help you to handle roles or tasks that you initially found to tough to deal with.

2. A modern career coach saves you time and effort

Mistakes are part of every journey but, some should definitely be avoided. A career coach can help you to avoid these expensive mistakes. They will point them out even before they happen. Usually, these coaches build experience by helping other people deal with their career issues and they can use that experience to advise other people. Instead of going through the process from scratch, a career coach can help you to reach your full potential by offering you a clear cut path. 

3. He/she will train you to be good at networking

Knowing more people that are relevant to your field will help you to advance quickly in your career. What if you hate networking? What if you find it very difficult to strike a meaningful conversation with someone who can help your career? If this is the case, you need a networking and accountability partner. A coach will teach you practical tips to network without feeling awkward. He or she can also identify ideal networking events for you. A coach as your partner will also encourage you to take networking initiatives since you know you need to report your progress to your partner. 

4. A career coach will help you define a clearer career path 

Some career paths are clear; a doctor or lawyer knows exactly what to do to enter that field. Unfortunately, some careers do not have distinctive paths. Some careers require that you think out of the box to establish yourself in this field. Most new and emerging careers are that way. In the technology sector, most career paths require that you take initiatives and tackle issues from unique angles to get an edge over other people in that field. 

A coach is already experienced in helping people to establish themselves in their chosen fields. He or she will present several opportunities to you and you will have the luxury of choosing one that works for you. The coach will also present options that will help you to create a long term career path for yourself. 

5. To provide professional advice that is tailored for you

You will find lots of blogs and online material telling you how to be successful in your career. The information presented in these materials is facts but, they are general information. They may not work well for you. Talking to a coach about your goals will help him or her to give you advice that is tailored for you. The coach will consider your experience, education, training, personality, and other relevant details to offer you the guidance you need. Tailored guidance will make you more successful. An experienced coach will identify your strengths and blind spots as well. 

If your resume is not impressive, this expert can help you out. He or she will recraft your resume to highlight your strengths and the values you will bring to an employer. Your resume is the first impression you will create for a potential employer and every word you put on it should count. Experienced career coaches understand the various industries and they know what the employer may be looking out for. They will make sure your resume highlights these things. Check out this resume revamping service

Surprisingly, you will need a modern career coach at several stages of your career journey. You may need help to take on a larger role after remaining at the same spot for a couple of years. A coach will also be helpful when you want to start a side business without negatively impacting your main job. Even when you don’t know the career path to follow, a coach can make things clearer for you. Need an experienced and reliable career coach? Africg.com will be glad to assist you. 


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