Remote Work Opportunities

trending Oct 07, 2020

If there is nothing else that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it is that working remotely is an option we can all adapt to.  Not only have companies overhauled how they conduct business, but they have been forced to adapt to change. The pandemic has changed our perspective of how we view work. If you are one of those who never worked remotely and are now faced with the option to do it, ask yourself if this is something you enjoy and if so, how can you continue to pursue working from the comfort of your own home if you decide to change careers or if you get laid off due to financial constraints that your company is facing?

Always have a long-term goal in mind. There are so many options out there. You just have to research and find the right fit for you. Think of going after career fields that are optimal for remote work. They are usually high-paying occupations and normally they have a low unemployment rate.  

The best jobs to work from home or remotely according to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics  pre-COVID include:

  1. Software developers - with everyone going online and using their computers, tablets, or smartphones for either personal use or business, software developers are in high demand. Their job allows them to work remotely from anywhere as long as they have access to the internet and a computer. They have the highest job openings. So if you are into developing code or creating new software programs and systems, this is the job for you. The annual average salary is listed as $131,400.00
  2. Computer and Information system managers are in charge of planning, coordinating, and directing computer-related activities like upgrades or administering technologies that a company requires to do business. To become a computer and information system manager, you will need at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer or Information science and relevant work experience. They not only architect and analyze various software systems, they also manage day-to-day operations depending on the company and their job description. With project management tools like Asana and Trello, managing teams remotely is easier. Their annual average salary is $146,360 as of May 2019. 
  3. Statisticians - they collect numerical data and showcase it in a way that makes sense to the business highlighting trends and patterns. By analyzing and interpreting data, they assist the company and stakeholders to make data-driven decisions. To become a statistician, you typically need a master’s degree in statistics but some positions take bachelor’s degree holders. Statisticians usually work in government offices, healthcare, or education. As businesses rely heavily on data-driven decision making, this occupation is projected to grow in demand. The average annual income is $91,160.
  4. Mathematicians are closely related to the statisticians. They work with numbers and use numerical data to solve real-life problems. They are mostly employed in government, educational institutions, and businesses.  They usually work as part of a team of scientists or engineers depending on the company.  Just like a statistician, you typically need a master’s degree in mathematics although some positions may be available with a bachelor’s degree. The average income per year is $105,030.
  5. Web developers are similar to software developers in that, they can work from anywhere as long as they have access to the internet and a computer. They are a sought after group especially with everyone moving to work online. Their job entails website creation, designing page layout, and also monitoring website traffic and making website adjustments as needed. They, therefore, need to know about programming and graphic design. This role is suitable for people who love to know how stuff works in the backend. They are curious and like to solve technical problems.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), some of the web developers are self-employed so that means they are not tied to one company. However, for those who are employed, they are usually in the advertising, publishing, and management consulting industries. The educational requirements change depending on the type of work they do. They range from high school diploma to a bachelor's degree. Their annual average income is $73,760.
  6. Marketing Manager jobs are growing with e-commerce gaining popularity.  The marketing manager is usually able to work remotely with the use of project management tools.  They usually oversee a department or team. They are in charge of promoting and positioning the company’s brand, products, or services that the company sells. Marketing managers often have a bachelor’s degree with work experience in advertising, sales, or marketing. As companies continue to expand their presence online, marketing managers who are comfortable with digital advertising will continue to be highly marketable. The average annual salary as per BLS is $125,510.
  7. Market research analysts are similar to marketing managers but do more of the data gathering. Their data gathering and analysis can be done remotely using online tools. They study market conditions to help determine the potential sales of a product or service. They possess strong math and analytical skills. With the increased use of data and market research, it is expected that the market research analysts will be sought-after too. The educational requirement is a bachelor’s degree although some positions may require a master’s degree. The average annual pay is $63,790.

These are only a fraction of the jobs that are in demand for remote workers. At AfriMentor, we are committed to help you research and find a job that fits your schedule and excites you. If you want to explore the remote work opportunities, then send your resume to [email protected] and we will be happy to work with you. 

If you hate your job and cannot quit because you have to pay bills, watch this video where I share how you owe to yourself not to settle for less.


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