Tips to Help You To Find Your Next Job During COVID-19 Period

find your next job Oct 20, 2020

Finding a job is generally difficult and the pandemic has made it worse. Some companies are firing and the economy is not doing really well. But this does not mean that you should give up. You still need money to fund the things that you love. Fortunately, there are still job openings but, you need to take extra steps to secure your position. Find your next job using these well-elaborated skills. 

     1.Work on your resume

Your resume will tell a recruiter what they need to know about you. But, recruiters don’t spend a lot of time reading resumes. For the first round, recruiters take between 5 to 7 seconds to scan resumes to select the ones they will like to proceed with. The key to catching the attention of the recruiter is to personalize the resume for the job advertised. Look out for keywords the recruiter may be looking for and add them to your resume. A good resume revamping service can help you to make your resume more appealing for job positions. can make your resume stand out. 

     2. Upskill


Search for skills related to your career field. Identify the ones you are missing and work on acquiring them. Upskilling will improve your chances of getting a job. While trying to upskill, it will be great to also learn some work from home skills. You can upskill even if you are isolating. You can attend virtual events, read business books, listen to podcasts, and enroll in online classes. Online course websites such as are excellent resources. Strengthen your technological skills since a lot of firms are running remote services and everything needs to be done online.  

     3. Work with a career coach

Getting the right information about the job market is essential for your job search. A career coach knows a lot about the job market. He or she has more information about the companies that are hiring. They will also help you to identify the best career path for you. A career coach can also help you to prepare for your next interview. Generally, a coach will make your job search easier. He or she will guide you until you find your next job. offers the best coaching service. 

     4. Leverage your network and find new connections

Reach out to people you know at a professional level. Inform them that you are searching for a job. Sometimes, jobs are not advertised and the employees recommend people they know. Word of mouth is a very powerful job search tool. Many companies rely on that when they need to fill up certain positions. Remember to join professional networking platforms as well. If you are not on LinkedIn, it’s time to join the platform. Update your profile to show your skills, and send out invites. Spend some time commenting on posts as well. Look for job opportunities and send out applications. Make yourself visible on LinkedIn. Facebook is also a great platform for job seekers. There are lots of groups that focus on job postings. You will find some companies posting their job openings here. Make sure you like the official pages of businesses you want to apply to. 

     5. Cast a wider net

Don’t narrow your search when applying for a job. Avoid focusing only on the skills you received from your last job. Apply for jobs even with skills that you have not used for a while. Ensure that your applications are personalized for the roles you apply for. Get creative about finding work. The pandemic has created new jobs like contact tracers. Check for emerging job opportunities and freelance gigs. 

     6. Build your career confidence 

You may start feeling like you are not qualified for jobs if you are having problems landing one. That may affect your confidence. Unfortunately, your lack of confidence may show when you finally turn up for an interview and it will negatively affect your performance at the interview. When your confidence hits rock bottom, learn more to grow your skills. Read more on issues related to your career, and as mentioned earlier, develop and improve on your skills. Doing these will automatically increase your confidence. Look at your achievements to also remind yourself about how good you are. Speaking positive affirmations to yourself daily will also improve your confidence. 

     7. Develop your remote interviewing skills 

A lot of businesses are interviewing remotely now. It is time to perfect that skill if you are not used to it. Prepare a quiet area for your interviews. Learn to use professional online video conferencing platforms like zoom if you are not comfortable with it yet. Be mindful of your body language and your dressing for such interviews as well. Check out a step by step guide on nailing your remote interview here

     8. Be consistent and persistent

There is no limit to the number of applications you can send out. Send out as many applications as possible. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t land your dream job within the first few days after sending out your application. It may take time but that does not mean you are not qualified for the positions you have applied for. You may be qualified but the problem is that there are way too many people look for jobs and there are only a few jobs available. 

 Bottom line

You need to be more proactive to secure that job. Do things in advance and stay positive. You will find your next job when you keep trying. 



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