IMMIGRANT Career Summit for HIGH 6-Figure INCOME

A 2-Day Virtual Event To Help Ambitious Immigrants Achieve Career Dominance and Financial Freedom. Land  A Lucrative & Fulfilling 6-Figure Job or Get A 5-Figure Pay Increase & Promotion Without Going Back To School.

APRIL 8TH & 9TH, 2024
at 6 PM EST | 3 PM PST


What Will You Learn?

What you can expect to learn in 2 days:

Reconnecting to Your Purpose & Vision

  • Learn how to create a compelling vision for your future, that's rooted in your purpose and reasons for coming to this country. This is the foundation we’ll build the rest of your success on. You already have it in you. Now it's time to pull it back out!

Career Force Clarity: 

  • Learn the mindset of overcoming limiting beliefs that are holding you back from truly stepping into the identity of a 6-Figure earner that matches your full potential. Then learn our proven strategies that bring absolute clarity to uncover your ideal career move, attract lucrative offers and promotions to have your dream career without feeling like an imposter. 

Targeted Job Search:

  • How to discover the perfect fit role, learn our proven secrets on how to tap into the hidden job market which carries over 80% of all lucrative opportunities, and land a high paying career without wasting time or experiencing search exhaustion. 

Prestige Professional Packaging:

  • Learn the latest strategies on packaging yourself as the top candidate with a stand out resume, professional cover letter, optimized LinkedIn profile, and a captivating elevator pitch so you can effortlessly articulate your value and command your true worth without compromising a dollar.

Confidence Commands Compensation 

  • Learn how to confidently show up on interviews and negotiate top dollar salary in order to maximize your earning power, so that you achieve your dream position without leaving any money on the table or settling for less than you deserve. 

Plus, I'll even show you how to position yourself effectively and amplify your unique voice, so you can be seen and heard. This will allow you to build a strong career network with the pros so you will have movers and shakers in your industry who can open doors to excel your future. 

What Will You Learn?


DAY #1:


  • How to reconnect to your purpose, cultivate a powerful vision that pulls you to a successful future. 
  • How to cultivate a 6 figure mindset, and become magnetized to your goals and desired future. 
  • How to gain complete clarity on your career path, develop a smooth roadmap that unsticks where you are now, and propels you forward to where you desire to be. 
  • How to professionally brand and package yourself and outshine the competition with a stand out resume,  professional cover letter, an optimized LinkedIn profile, and a cultivating elevator pitch.


DAY #2:

Elite Job Search, Interview Mastery, and Top Salary Negotiation

  • How to eliminate job search time wastage, frustration and burnout by learning our targeted job search strategies that align with your skills, gifts and desired future.  
  • How to access and tap into the hidden job market that carries over 80% of all lucrative jobs and gain access to exclusive career opportunities that you never knew existed. 
  • How to interview like a pro, negotiate top dollar for your salary and no longer settle for anything less than you deserve. 
  • How to build professional relationships, get connected to career field mentors and experts that gives you access to opportunities reserved for the inner circles only.


at 6 pm EST


What Makes Our Event Different?

  • We are industry experts who have provided results for hundreds of clients creating over $30,000,000 in annual income for immigrant families.
  • The mindset strategies we share have been successfully delivered in front of audiences of 10,000+ people all around the world, personally taught to celebs, influences & business professionals, and are now getting brought to you on our intimate call for you to change your life. 
  • We do not teach “hype” or common sense stuff you already know. We ONLY teach from experience, not from theory, sharing our patent proven strategies that generate income and impact for all that attend. 
  • Unlike other coaches, we don’t just give you tools and strategies, we equip you with the right mindset which is a critical component to your career and financial success.
  • We hold NOTHING back giving you practical and up-to-date POWERFUL tools and materials that you can take home and keep for your reference. 
  • We focus on QUALITY not quantity. Our events are not for everybody but reserved for the few who are ready to step up to their full potential now. We reject more people than we accept ensuring a potent group of high caliber individuals committed to a new future.
  • We create an environment for you to LEARN and NETWORK with other ambitious purpose driven immigrants surrounding you with like-minded people and experts. 

Our Promise to You

  • You will learn the exact strategies that have generated over $30,000,000 in salaires for clients who attended this event just like you. 
  • You will learn CONCRETE & PRACTICAL strategy that will give you CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, AND AUTHORITY to boldly step up into your God-given full potential to build the career of your dreams and attain financial success!
  • You will LEARN, IMPLEMENT IMMEDIATELY, and NETWORK with other aspirational 6-figure immigrants and mentors while nurturing you to take back control of your career, income, and destiny.
  • You will get POWERFUL materials, tools, and resources so that you can reference them again and again even after the event!
  • You will leave with a new outlook of life, and feel more empowered about yourself and your career possibility than you ever have before. 
  • You will have absolute clarity on the next steps needed to achieve your dream 6 figure career and/or add 5 figures to your annual salary!
  • At our event, we focus on principles that will bring you REAL TRANSFORMATIVE RESULTS!


Dr. Gina Muigai

6-figure Immigrant Career Coach

Dr. Gina Muigai is a wife, mother, and revolutionary master career expert strategist who has helped 100s of immigrants achieve more than $30,000,000 in annual salary careers in only 7 years. She has touched many ambitious immigrants' lives by helping them build wildly successful and fulfilling careers in lucrative 6-figure jobs that propelled them to finally attain financial freedom and peace of mind. Dr. Gina understands the excruciating feeling of being skilled and qualified yet stuck and struggling financially while surrounded with abundant opportunities that seem inaccessible. With a prestigious doctorate degree backing her expertise, Dr. Gina shines as a beacon of empowerment and a highly endorsed expert for immigrants who are committed to achieving a new level to provide their loved ones with a quality life, make an impact, and build legacies for generations after.  

Kusudi Muithi

7-Figure Mindset Coach & Speaker

Over the past 7 years, Kusudi has spent time and resources learning directly from the greatest thought leaders, billionaires, and personal development experts which allowed him to learn the most effective methods to facilitate human transformation not only in himself, but others around the world. This journey started with Kusudi speaking on stages worldwide to 10s of thousands of people such as Tony Robbins, universities, companies, and speaking across Kenya Africa & Mumbai India helping people discover their purpose. These breakthroughs have led to Kusudi working with clients at the highest level from diverse career fields in different industries such as entertainment, entrepreneurship, professional athletes, medical, criminal justice, and various other walks of life. 

Coming from humble beginnings, Kusudi understands the struggles immigrants experience in pursuit of a better life and has dedicated his life to help them reconnect with their purpose and supercharge their destiny.  Whether you were born with immense opportunities or first generation change makers, Kusudi knows the results you have in your life are directly correlated to the person you’ve been BEING up until this moment. And when you change who you are, you’ll change the things you do, and in turn, change the life that's possible for you to live.

Dr. Gina Muigai & Kusudi Muithi

Dr. Gina and Kusudi have combined their missions to create a new reality for ambitious immigrants. They are committed to help them completely shift their mindset, get access to lucrative opportunities so they can attain financial success and build generational success and legacy. 

Testimonials/What Others Are Saying

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IMMIGRANT Career Summit for High 6-Figure Income

A 2-Day Virtual Event To Help Ambitious Immigrants Advance Their Career To Lucrative High 6-Figures in Fulfilling Roles