Tips for Acing Your Virtual Interviews

virtual interviews Nov 17, 2020

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, many recruiters conducted virtual interviews. They did this to open up the talent pool without necessarily increasing travel costs. Some recruiters even did this to reduce the number of applicants before having a face to face interview. Now, social distancing has made video interviews the most preferred interviewing format. For remote workers, that may be the only option. Are you preparing for a virtual interview? Here are some tips to help you ace the interview and secure the job.

  1. Prepare your technology in advance
    Test your computer, internet connectivity, interview software, microphone, and any other tool you will need for the interview. If you are not familiar with the software, learn how to use it properly. Employers are looking for people who are tech-savvy and organized. If you do not make the necessary preparations, you may appear clumsy during the interview.
  2. Ensure that your virtual identification is professional
    Your virtual ID will...
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Earn over $75, 000 Per Year with Just an Associateā€™s Degree or a Diploma!

I want to encourage men and women out there who are working hard, struggling, and doing all they can to try to make ends meet. I know from talking to many of you that, most of you feel stuck. Most of you feel like you don’t even like what you are doing. Today, I am going to guide you on what you can do.

You do not even have to necessarily go back to school and get a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. I will teach you about doing things that can work with you, things that can be accommodating to you.

Here are two jobs I talk about on Gina Muigai YouTube Channel.

Elevator Installers and Repairers
These are the people who install and repair elevators. Their job is to make sure that the elevator is working. Their job includes not just the elevators, but the escalators, moving walkways, and chair lifts.

What this person does is just to fix, install, and maintain the elevator. Most buildings now have a lift also known as an elevator, an escalator, or a moving...

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Tips to Help You To Find Your Next Job During COVID-19 Period

find your next job Oct 20, 2020

Finding a job is generally difficult and the pandemic has made it worse. Some companies are firing and the economy is not doing really well. But this does not mean that you should give up. You still need money to fund the things that you love. Fortunately, there are still job openings but, you need to take extra steps to secure your position. Find your next job using these well-elaborated skills. 

     1.Work on your resume

Your resume will tell a recruiter what they need to know about you. But, recruiters don’t spend a lot of time reading resumes. For the first round, recruiters take between 5 to 7 seconds to scan resumes to select the ones they will like to proceed with. The key to catching the attention of the recruiter is to personalize the resume for the job advertised. Look out for keywords the recruiter may be looking for and add them to your resume. A good resume revamping service can help you to make your resume more appealing for job...

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5 Resume Tips to Impress Recruiters

An impressive resume tells a lot about you and gets your foot in the door.
Here are five tips to make sure your strongest characteristics shine through.

Tip #1

Customize your resume to the specific job you are applying to.
If you have been affected by COVID-19, you may be looking at other jobs either because you were laid off or just need to transition in your career. Make sure to update your resume to match with the specific role that you are applying to. This is also very important if you are branching out to a different career path than your previous or current job role.

Tip #2

Look at the keywords used in the job requirement and make sure to include them in your resume. This will help you stand out to the employers and the automated systems used to sort candidates. To find the keywords to use, look at the sections like requirements, job duties, ideal candidates and get the ones that are most important and apply to your skillset.

Tip #3

Transferrable Skills are good for jobs that...

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Remote Work Opportunities

trending Oct 07, 2020

If there is nothing else that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, it is that working remotely is an option we can all adapt to.  Not only have companies overhauled how they conduct business, but they have been forced to adapt to change. The pandemic has changed our perspective of how we view work. If you are one of those who never worked remotely and are now faced with the option to do it, ask yourself if this is something you enjoy and if so, how can you continue to pursue working from the comfort of your own home if you decide to change careers or if you get laid off due to financial constraints that your company is facing?

Always have a long-term goal in mind. There are so many options out there. You just have to research and find the right fit for you. Think of going after career fields that are optimal for remote work. They are usually high-paying occupations and normally they have a low unemployment rate.  

The best jobs to work from home or remotely according...

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Modern Career Coach

informative Sep 29, 2020

You may think that hiring a modern career coach is only for newbies but, this is not the case. The job market is choked with job seekers. The pandemic has increased the unemployment rate even more. Irrespective of your industry or niche, there will be competition. No matter how talented you are, you will get lost in the pool of talents. How do you get an edge over several other job seekers? 

The internet may offer some common ways to get ahead of other job seekers but, a practical solution will be more beneficial. Someone who is experienced in offering career guidance can help with unique ways to stand out. Here are five reasons why you need to hire a career coach. 

1. They can help you out of difficult career situations

Sometimes, you are caught in a sticky situation and you have no idea how to handle it professionally. Maybe, you feel like your value is not seen through your role at work. Or, you don’t like your new manager. Or perhaps, your company is...

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